
A Data/ML/AI

About Me

My name is Harshit Singh.

I'm on a mission to craft solutions that not only transform businesses with the fusion of data and technology,but also leave a lasting mark on the world.

Know more about my expertise
& what i can bring to the table :

Education and Research Excellence :

With a strong educational foundation in DS and AI, I bring deep knowledge to every project. My research work has further enhanced my expertise, resulting in two published papers(Indian), a patent, and an A*-rated paper(ICLR) currently under review, reflecting my commitment to advancing the field.

Innovative and Continuous Learning :

An avid data enthusiast and a specialist in computer vision and natural language processing, I leverage data with a fusion of my development skills for innovative solutions while staying committed to continuous learning.

Team Leader and Communicator :

As an adaptable collaborator, I have bridged the gap between research and practicality in various hackathons and projects, translating complex technical concepts into understandable language for seamless teamwork.

Effective and Ethical Problem Solver

I have a strong history of achieving real results, even in fast-paced situations. I can adapt quickly to new challenges. My work always puts the client's needs first, with great attention to detail and a strong ethical approach to data integrity, ensuring I consistently deliver outstanding value.

More About Me & My
Journey in Data

Educational Foundation in Data Science & Computer Science :

A diploma certificate in DS from IIT Madras, with my Bachelors in CSE from Indian Institute of Information Technology, Guwahati.

Research at the University of Tartu, Estonia :

under the guidance of Dr. Roshni ma’am. Our focus was on developing a state-of-art fair-summarization algorithm and its diverse evaluations.

Collaborative Research with Dr. Pin-Yu Chen :

Privileged to work on Fine-Tuning text-to-image Diffusion Models with a distinguished Principal Research Scientist at IBM Research AI Lab.

Won/Participated in various Hackathons :

such as FlipkartGrid, FirstLegoLeague, HackNITR, DuHacks and VersionB where I endeavored to transform research into practical product solutions, gaining valuable insights and knowledge of delivering products

(PoR) Position of Responsibilities :

As the Robotics & IoT lead for the Google Developers Student Club(GDSC) and Mavericks(ML club) coordinator at my college, I conducted numerous live sessions offering guidance on cutting-edge technologies.

Industrial Experience Junior Developer :

1-Year Experience at Creamix Premix Pvt. Ltd., in it’s website development, inventory optimization, and data science contributing to enhanced digital presence and efficient data analysis for the company"

When I’m not
working, I’m doing
something else.